The 6-8 on Vivacité / RTBF

11/06/21 | TV and radio

The Belgian Poster : when the decoration puts the Belgian tourism 100% in the spotlight

You love our beautiful country? Why not enhance it... in your home. Véronique Wese presents you the concept of the Belgian Poster, which takes up well-known elements of the landscapes of the flat country.

Belgian tourism is in high demand in 2021 following the pandemic and the resulting containment measures. The widespread interest in the VisitWallonia pass is proof of this. And why not bring the most beautiful places in Belgium to your living room?

This is the idea proposed by L'Affiche belge which offers Belgian posters, postcards and calendars 100%.

Belgian landscapes and monuments in the spotlight

This concept was launched by two Carolinian graphic designers, Antoine Walraevens and François Lambrechts, who met during their studies. "They wanted to launch a common concept to honor our beautiful Belgium and use their talents as graphic designers" summarizes Véronique WeseThis was especially true since there was no Belgian 100% postcard and poster company yet.

The posters they propose are in a modern-vintage style that could be found in the decoration of cafés. There are 23 different ones and each one represents a region, a city, or its folklore.

We find for example landscapes or monuments of Charleroi, the Belgian coast, Liege, Bruges, the Ardennes, the High Fens or the Doudou or the Carnival of Binche. A small plus noted by our columnist: the great quantity of details that appear. "They create everything by hand with a graphic design tool" and to achieve this, they move around to soak up the atmosphere of the landscapes, take photos for the monuments.

Several formats, at affordable prices

In addition to the purely decorative aspect, the project of L'Affiche belge is to make you discover these sceneries that you perhaps ignored or conversely, to remind you of the atmospheres that seduced you during your discovery of Belgium.

This nostalgia game is available in several formats: 50 by 70 cm or postcard format printed on a soft, matte paper with a little film. The postcards are 2,50€ but the price can decrease if you buy in quantity, the posters are 25€ or 45€ with the frame provided. Calendars, which are perpetual calendars, rather useful for remembering birthdays, cost 29€ each.

Find Véronique Wese's deco/trend ideas and many other reviews in The 6-8 on weekdays on La Une.

François Saint-Amand Published on Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 1:19 PM

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