Terms and conditions of use




Article 1: General
Access to the present website www.laffichebelge.be, to the services and information it contains is entirely subject to compliance with the general conditions set out below, without prejudice to the application of specific conditions. By browsing and/or using this website, the services or information it contains, the user acknowledges having fully read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.


If you do not agree with this content, please do not use our site and leave it immediately.
Our general conditions can be consulted at any time via this link.
The user is informed that this website has been created, is managed and administered by François Lambrechts, whose headquarters are located in Ham-sur-Heure Company number: BE0649528034.


Email : info@laffichebelge.be
Professional advertisers (hereinafter referred to as advertisers) using our website that they are also subject to the special conditions accepted for the publication of their information on our site.
The use of the website does not imply the creation of any collaboration or cooperation agreement and the professional advertisers who have not contacted us beforehand cannot publish on our website.


Article 2: Modification
Laffichebelge.be reserves the right, at any time, to modify, adapt, add to or delete these conditions of use. The user is therefore invited to consult them regularly.


Article 3: Description of services
Sale of posters and printed products.


Article 4: Content
This site, as well as its texts, drawings, photos, illustrations, films, data, databases, software, domain names, logos, computer codes and any other element contained therein are protected by intellectual property rights. Any copy, adaptation, translation, arrangement and/or modification, in whole or in part, in any form and by any means - electronic, mechanical or otherwise - is strictly forbidden, except with the prior written consent of François Lambrechts. The use of our site and its components is authorized solely for information purposes and for personal and private use. Any violation of this clause may result in civil, commercial and/or criminal proceedings.
Our website www.laffichebelge.be is regularly updated and the greatest care is taken in the publication of the information it contains. In this respect, we undertake an obligation of means. If the user notices an inconsistency, an error or a gap, he is invited to contact us in order to inform us.  
The information provided by the advertisers is under their exclusive responsibility, and François Lambrechts cannot guarantee its accuracy, reliability, integrity, timeliness, precision and completeness. François Lambrechts declines all responsibility in this regard.  François Lambrechts cannot be held responsible for the quality of products sold or services offered by advertisers. The user is invited to read the terms of use of each advertiser.
François Lambrechts makes every effort to ensure access to its website as far as possible, without any guarantee whatsoever in this regard. This access may be interrupted, however, in particular for maintenance or updating purposes, in the event of a breakdown or for other technical reasons.


Article 5: User account
Some services and features offered on our site may require the opening of a user account (with login and password). The user undertakes to complete the customer account creation form with accurate and true information. He is informed in this regard that the information marked with an asterisk is necessary for the proper management of his file and the execution of his order. If the information provided is false or incorrect, it may affect the proper management of his file or order. In this case, François Lambrechts cannot be held responsible.   
The customer account is strictly personal and reserved for the exclusive use of the user who created it. The user is solely responsible for the use of his customer account and agrees not to disclose his login and password to third parties.
User also agrees not to impersonate any other person or use the user account of another.


Article 6: Management of the site
François Lambrechts reserves the right to delete any customer or advertiser account, comment or ad that it deems to be in contradiction with the commitments listed below.

Thus, the user agrees, among other things, to:

  • Do not exploit the information published illegally.
  • Do not use this website in such a way that it is damaged, transformed, interrupted, stopped or made less efficient by any means.
  • Do not use this website for the transmission or posting of computer viruses or for the transmission or posting of illegal, illicit or inappropriate content (including, but not limited to, information of an obscene nature or harmful to public order).
  • Do not use this website in any way to infringe the rights of any individual, corporation or association such as - but not limited to - the right to privacy and intellectual property.
  • Not to use the website to send or transmit content for promotional or advertising purposes without having first requested permission from François Lambrechts

François Lambrechts is not responsible for the possible spread of viruses in the event that, in spite of reasonable precautionary measures taken, this should occur, and declines all responsibility for the damage that these viruses may cause.


Article: 7. hypertext links
The laffichebelge.be site may refer, strictly for information purposes, to other sites via hypertext links. When consulting these sites, we strongly advise you to read their privacy policy. Laffichebelge.be declines all responsibility for the practices and information of websites to which the user may have access through the use of any hypertext links appearing on its own site.


Article 8: Salvage clause
The invalidity, unenforceability or illegality of one of the clauses in one of the contracts agreed between the parties (specific and general conditions or other agreements), does not lead to the invalidity or nullity of the other provisions in the contract. All provisions shall remain in full force and effect.


Article 9: Applicable law
Except in the case of a mandatory provision or public order provision to the contrary which supersedes the present clause, the courts of the judicial district of Charleroi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of a dispute between the parties concerning the present contract. The applicable law is the Belgian law.
The parties accept, within the framework of their relations, the electronic means of proof (ex.: email, computer backups, ...).